Palscity Sacco - Group Membership Plan

Are you part of a group of Friends (pals)? Lets transform that friend into a future Sacco while maintaining your memories. One can join as a Group or an Individual in a Group.

Group Membership Plan

Types of Group Memberships

Join as a Group: Here Palscity doesnt know the members. You simply register a group account and be depositing money as a group. Loans are given to the group.

Join as an Individual in a Group (Group Hybrid): This option works best when your group wants to give each individual the freedom to save as much as they want but still keep the fabric/memories of the group. In this case each individual can take a loan and be guaranteed by other members. This option is best for those who want Palscity Sacco to incubate them into a future Sacco. 

How to Join Group - Using USSD 
1. Using USSD *533*48# each member will need to register as a member. Registration Fee Kshs. 500
NB: From this registration fee, we use between Kshs. 200-Kshs. 250 to throw a bash (drinks) to the groups 1st/next meeting (bonding/regular meeting).
2. Now the official (chair, secretary or treasurer) is to go to *533# chose option 3 "your groups" then "create new group", follow prompts and finish creating group.
3. Now go to "your groups" select group and invite the members using their numbers. Once a member joins the group, they can now start depositing on that group.

How to Join Group - Group Membership Form 
You can simply fill a form and share it for your group to be created and members added. Email us on for details.

Quick Resources Now Available for Group Members

Members in Business: Here we have put together all resources to help you grow the Business. These Include:

  1. Palscity Social Media and Business Networking site: Create an account on and thats a place to connect with friends, share what is new and discover opportunities nearby.
  2. - Use the ecommerce Mybigorder to sell both products and services and connect to your buyers. Your account is connected using an API to multiple sites. Watch Video
  3. - List your business on our online search Engine and connect to your customers and possible partners or Investors - Watch Video
  4. - Can you train? Do you have a skill that can be turned into a course? Upload them and start earning when people take your classes. We help you record and upload that course.
  5. Digital Marketing Tools andSupport avaible.

Partnerships & Proposals

  1. My Leader Kenya (MLK) App - Download MLK App here, Choose your county, connect to leaders in Position eg Governors, Senators, Women Reps, MPs and MCAs. Now start saving. Once you reach a limit set by the group, Palscity will write a parrnership proposal and hold you to the negotiation table to present, pitch and ask for a boost.

Donor Funded Projects Partnership

Is it something that is changing lives? does it create an impact? Lets write a proposal to donors through Palscity Foundation NGO in Partnership with your CBO or Group. That means we scale faster.

How to Make Money from Group Membership.

Since Palscity is all about Connect, Share, Discover opportunities nearby, every opportunity is always a chance to make some money while empowering others.

Every group membership has a budget of upto Kshs. 250 per person. If they are 50 members, you have Kshs. 50*250 = 12,500 to work with.

  1. Start by listing all:
  • Whatsapp groups admins contacts - to target & transform the whatsapp group into a future Sacco
  • All schools in your area eg Primary, Secondary, Colleges, University and target allumni, teachers or students.
  • Companies - here target all businesses in your area, you can use our portal, create an clerk account and earn an Extra Kshs. 7 per business you add. Now target their HRs, Unions, CEOs and propose to employees, proceed to give them channels to market and grow their Services and products.
  • Other groups to list: Families, Clans, Friends, Chamas, Merry Go Rounds, Table Banking, Farmers Groups, small Saccos (any group) etc

2. Now suggest to them to run on our Technoogy, Network & Opportunities to be incubated into Future Saccos. Ask them to organise the 1st meeting of the members, you will come and present to them the Sacco and they choose to join or not.

3. Tell them after your pitch, if they choose to join, you will have a gift for them or simply sponsor drinks from the budget above. Once they are ready to join, take their names and phones on a paper and later on send them referral SMS as they join. They can now continue saving as we grow them.

You want to Make Money using Digital Opportunities #PalscityGigs?

Palscity continues to empower people to find money to save. Here are 15 ways to earn decently on PalscityGigs


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    Palscity Sacco - To Our Members

    We transform our member’s lives through provision of affordable innovative and accessible Financial Services.

Advantage/Benefits of Joining as Group

1. Your group objective remains, only use our platform to safely and securely keep members savings.
2. Palscity will incubate your group as you grow till one day you become a Sacco on your own.
3. Based on members objectives, members can take loans and grow.
4. Members can tap into the Palscity network, county chapters for Business & Networking. We always rally members to meet their elected Leaders (Governors, Senators, Women Reps, MPs, MCAs etc), Businesses, Partners or Donors with proposals on synergy.
5. How about members who don't have money to save, Palscity has invested in over 15 online gigs they can do to save money.

6. Palscity takes the burden of monthly reminders to ensure a high payments rate using technology Bulk SMS, Email and WhatsApp reminders.
7. Members have a Kshs. 100k cover for when member, spouse, 4 children and if with spouse parents or parents in law.

Group Membership Loans

Group members can access all forms of Loans from Palscity Sacco to Grow themselves or grow their group objectives and dreams.

Asset Financing

Laptops, Accesories, Cars

Business Loans

Start or Grow Your Biz

Education Loan

School Fees, etc

Development Loan

Housing / Land

Group membership plan

  • Minimum monthly contribution of 5,000
  • Attach copies of Identification Cards, Passport and photos of authorised signatories.
  • Attach minutes of the group’s meeting resolving to join Palscity Sacco.
  • Attach copy of group’s registration certificate.
    • KRA PIN Numbers (Where (Where applicable)
    • Attach the group’s constitution.
    • Registration Fee Kshs 1,000
    • Minimum Share Capital Kshs 5,000

Mentorship, Brainstorming & Networking Accountability Groups

We have accountability Groups based on County Chapters. Each County Chapter has Constituency Chapters each Constituency has a Ward Chapter.

Chapters are meant to:
- Help members locate guarantors easily
- Come up with projects to tap into Elected Leaders manifestos
- Galvanize for a common Intercounty market for Businesses
- Act as a Network where people can tap into opportunities

Each County, Constituency and Ward has Accountability groups where one can join other like-minded based on their Interests.

Accountability Groups include:

- Business & Entrepreneurship Group
- Leadership & Governance Group
- Agriculture Group
- Education Group
- Health Group
- Sports & Talent Group
- Gender Equality Group
- Peace & Conflict Resolution Group
- Society & Family Group
- Spiritual Group

Functions of Accountability Groups

- For networking and issue-based talks
- For brainstorming projects that can be lobbied as a group
- For mentorship and advice purposes

How to Join Accountability Groups

- Join Palscity Sacco using USSD dial *533*48# join then *533# and choose groups. Now join a Group.

All members can opt to join Accountability Groups via Palscity and WhatsApp.

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